Filter the content of a dashboard view
You can use several selection criteria to filter the content of a view and, if applicable, create reports meeting your specific information requirements.
The filters allow you to see:
- Cards in which the
tag that identifies VIP clients is selected.
- All cards or only the cards affected by en alert:
- In the Not started view, the cards concerned by an alert are those representing the returns for which the documents and other supporting documents are not received and are late.
- In the Active view, the cards concerned by an alert are the cards identified by a warning or an alert.
- In the Completed view, the cards concerned by an alert are the cards representing returns with a return status of "Completed" and an EFILE status of "Eligible", but that have not been transmitted for EFILE purposes).
- Cards assigned to a specific group or none of the groups.
- Cards manages by all managers, a specific manager or cards that are not managed by any manager;
- Cards assigned to all partners, a specific partner or cards not assigned to any partner;
- Cards assigned to all reviewers, a specific reviewer or cards not assigned to any reviewer;
- Cards assigned to all preparers, a specific preparer or cards not assigned to any preparer;
Cards assigned to all users who are in charge of the card, a specific user or cards that are not assigned;
Cards that are ready to be worked on or all cards;
- All cards or only cards associated with a category;
Cards relating to all returns (regardless of their deadline), cards that have a deadline on or before June 30, or those that should be prepared between May 1 and June 15;
- Cards of all clients or cards that belong to a specific group of clients.
The cards can be sorted by:
First name
Last name
Days in step
Date received – Last year
End date – this year
End date – last year
Selecting the Show disabled accounts checkbox displays the users that have been disabled.
To filter the content of a view , click the Filters menu in the left side of the page to display the filters, then select the filters criteria.