Search a card based on specific search criteria

The search functionality is very useful when clients contact you to follow-up on the processing of their income tax return and you want to quickly inform them.

If you want to perform a search for the follow up of a personal tax return, in the search box, enter one of the following specific search criteria:

  • the name of the Taxprep client file;
  • the client code entered in the ID form;
  • the name of the group to which the client belongs;
  • the client's last name;
  • the client's first name;
  • the client's telephone number; or
  • the client's e-mail address.
You can also perform the search by using the last name and the first name of a spouse or a dependant.

You can search for a client card from the cards displayed in all CCH iFirm Tracking views.

When the search is finished, CCH iFirm Tracking displays the cards meeting the search criteria selected. Click the client's card to open it and provide the client with the desired information.