Classifications are used to breakdown balances and calculate net income or loss for the period. After modifying the classifications, you can also create a grouping list template to use the modified classifications in other engagements.
This is a list of default account classifications:
Current Assets
Non-Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Non-Current Liabilities
Cost of Revenue
Other Income
Operating Expenses
Other Expenses

on the navigation bar and select Trial Balance.
Click Classifications.
Select Account Classification from the drop-down list.
Click Add New.
Enter the Abbreviation and Description and select Type from the drop-down list.
Click Save.
Note: You cannot add or delete Account Type classifications.

on the navigation bar and select Trial Balance.
Click Classifications.
Select Account Classification from the drop-down list.
Edit the Abbreviation and Description and select Type from the drop-down list.
To change the order of classification, click
and drag the classification to the desired location.
Important: Financial statements are categorized based on the sort order of account classifications.
Click Save.
Note: You cannot add or delete Account Type classifications.

on the navigation bar and select Trial Balance.
Click Classifications.
Select Account Type from the drop-down list.
Edit the description for Asset, Liability, Equity, Revenue, or Expense.
Click Save.
Note: Account types cannot be deleted.

on the navigation bar and select Trial Balance.
Click Classifications.
Select Account Classification from the drop-down list.
to remove classifications from the trial balance
Note: Classifications that are assigned to one or more groups cannot be deleted. You will need to remove the classification from the groups or delete the groups associated with the classification.