Roll Forward

CCH iFirm Taxprep T1 | CCH iFirm Taxprep T2 | |
Starting with version | 2016 | 2017 |
CCH iFirm Taxprep allows you to roll forward returns from the previous taxation year prepared with CCH iFirm as well as the returns prepared using another tax software program.
Roll forward returns prepared with CCH iFirm Taxprep
Tax - Returns - Roll forward iFirm Taxprep
To roll forward a return prepared with CCH iFirm Taxprep, proceed as follows:
- Form the return manager, click Roll forward.
- In the Roll forward from list, select the year of the returns to roll forward.
- Under the CCH iFirm Taxprep tab, select the clients whose return you want to roll forward. Tip: You can use the search area to more easily find a return.
- Click Roll forward.
A notification displays when the roll forward is complete.
Information regarding the roll forward of returns prepared using another tax software program
During the roll forward process, new contacts are created automatically when no match with an existing contact is found. More specifically, an attempt to link the imported files with existing contacts is made, using account numbers first. Otherwise, the client name is used if an exact match is found.
Here is the list of account numbers used to link the existing contacts based on the type of taxpayers:
- Social insurance number for individuals
- Business number for corporations
- Trust number for trusts
- Registered charities number for non-profit organizations
- RZ account number for partnerships
Make sure to enter an exact match for the account number or the client name in the existing contacts to prevent duplicate creation of contacts.
Roll forward returns prepared using another tax software program
Tax - Returns - Roll forward from Other Software
- From the return manager, click Roll forward.
- In the Roll forward from list, select the year of the returns to roll forward.
- Under the Other software tab, click Drop a file here or select a file.Tip: Place the cursor of your mouse on Supported file types to see the list of files supported by the CCH iFirm Taxprep roll forward.
- Select the location of the file to roll forward, then select the files to roll forward. Tip: You can also drag the files to roll forward to the Drop a file here or select a file area.
- Click Upload and roll forward.
Make sure that you remain in the same tab of your browser and that you do not refresh the page, to prevent the download progress from stopping. You can also drag files to be rolled forward to the area.
A notification displays when the roll forward is complete.
A contact is created in the Contacts module for each return.
See the roll forward report
Once the roll forward is complete, a report is created. This report contains the list of returns that you tried to roll forward as well as the roll forward status.
To see this report, proceed as follows:
- In the menu bar, click the Notifications icon
- Click the notification relating to the roll forward for which you want to display a report.
- Click See Report.
The box Roll forward report displays. - For more information about the roll forward status, place the cursor of your mouse on the status text. A tooltip displays with the additional information.
- To access the return of a client, click his or her name in the Client name column.
Training video