Tasks Endpoint

Cette page est en cours de traduction. Elle sera mise à jour dès que son contenu sera disponible en français.

/api/partner/1.0/tasks/{taskId} (GET)

Endpoint description

Returns the status of a specific task created by initiating an asynchronous action such as a roll forward. The task ID must be provided in the URL.

When the status code returned is 202 Accepted, it means that the task is still ongoing and a Retry-After header is provided in the response in order to keep polling the task until completion.

When the status code returned is 301 Moved permanently, an ID is provided in the location header of the response. This ID can then be used to get the result of an asynchronous action such as a roll forward.

Note: The user agent may use the value in the Location field for automatic redirection when the HTTP status code returned is 301 Moved permanently, which results in receiving the action result. For example, if you roll forward a document and get the task provided by the endpoint, the result of that roll forward might be provided by the Roll forward endpoint.






Request URL


Request body


Response body