CCH iFirm Tax T2 2019 v.2.3 (2019.50.v27)

Schedule 89, Request for Capital Dividend Account Balance Verification

Data in Schedule 89 mainly updates from other schedules in the program. For example, the non-taxable portion of capital gains and non-deductible capital losses update from Schedule 6 (Jump Code: 6), and capital dividends received update from Schedule 3 (Jump Code: 3).

The program is unable to identify the dispositions under subsection 40(12) of the ITA. These dispositions shall not affect the CDA. Make sure to perform the required adjustments, if applicable.

Private corporations

Schedule 89 is only applicable if you indicate that the reporting corporation is a private corporation (either a CCPC or another private corporation) in the “Identification” section of the T2 return (Jump Code: J). You must also indicate that the corporation is resident in Canada in the T2 Jacket.

See Also

T2054, Election for a Capital Dividend Under Subsection 83(2)

Income Tax Folio S3-F2-C1, Capital Dividends