Capital Cost Allowance

To access the CCA calculation workcharts, press F9 (or double-click) when the cursor is positioned in one of the three tables in Area A of Form T776, Statement of Real Estate Rentals (Jump Code: 776), the Statement of Farming Activities (Jump Code: 2042) or the Statement of Business or Professional Activities (Jump Code: 2125).

Setting Up and Deleting Classes

To set up or delete a CCA class when you are in one of the tables in Area A, proceed as follows:

  • To set up a class: click Add in the appropriate table (depending on whether you want to set up a class 10.1, a class 13 or a class other than 10.1 or 13). A new line will appear. Press F9 (or double-click) to access the related calculation workchart, and select the appropriate class using the search tool. The class is now set up and is part of Area A. Note: In the case of classes 10.1 and 13, the calculation workchart is specific and you do not have to select the class.
  • To delete a class, there are two possibilities:
    • from the calculation workchart of the class, click Delete on the toolbar;
    • from either one of the three tables in Area A of Form T776, Form T2042 or Form T2125, select the class (the line) that you want to delete, and click Delete.

Sorting of CCA classes

Two sort functions are offered in the section for the CCA class calculation for each self-employment statement or summary of real estate rental properties. The first sort button allows you to display the CCA classes in ascending order on screen and when printing. The second sort button allows you to prioritize the depreciation of classes other than classes relating to buildings (1, 3 and 6). This sort will ensure that the program will calculate the CCA of all other classes, and if the net income is still positive, the program will then depreciate the classes relating to buildings. When adding classes, you can simply sort the classes again. The sort will be retained when rolling forward the client file.

Entering Information

From one of the tables in Area A, you may enter all relevant information with respect to a class that you have just set up or to an already existing class. To do so, access the calculation workchart of the class in one of the following ways:

  • place your cursor on the desired class and double-click; or
  • highlight the desired class and press F9.

Once the calculation workchart of the class is displayed, enter the required information on the appropriate lines. Where dealing with an acquisition or a disposition, follow the procedure below.

Acquisition of Property in the Year

To enter property acquired in the year (as long as the property has become available for use in the year), press F9 when the cursor is positioned on the Additions (half-year) or Additions (normal rate) line, as the case may be. The cursor then moves in the History of Acquisitions and Dispositions table. Afterwards, double-click the highlighted line (or press F9) to access the Acquisitions and Dispositions Workchart, where you can enter the relevant information not forgetting the purchase date.

This method will allow you to keep track of the adjusted cost base of the property from one year to the other as it will be included when permanent data is rolled forward. If you do not wish to follow the above described procedure, you can override the Additions (half-year) or Additions (normal rate) line of the calculation workchart of the class, as the case may be.

For self-employed statements, only the portion of each property used to earn income must be entered.

Disposition of Property in the Year

To enter a disposition of property made in the year, press F9 when the cursor is positioned on the Disposition line.

At this point, if the property that has been disposed of has already been entered in the History of Acquisitions and Dispositions, point your mouse to it and double-click. You will then access the copy of the Acquisitions and Dispositions Workchart regarding this property where you can enter the relevant information regarding the disposition (not forgetting the date).

However, if the property that has been disposed of has not been entered in this history, enter the lesser of the proceeds of disposition and capital cost of the property on the Disposals line in the calculation workchart of the class.

When a property was disposed of and this disposition is partial, indicate the proceeds of disposition and the related minimal cost to calculate the net proceeds of disposition.

Special Rules

The program does not compute any CCA on assets depreciated on a straight-line basis. Therefore, enter the desired amount of CCA with respect to these classes on the CCA claimed line. You must enter an amount for Québec purposes even where this amount does not differ from the federal amount.

Both class 10.1 (Passenger vehicles) and class 13 (Leasehold interests) have a detailed workchart which is different from the usual detailed calculation workchart of a class as a result of the application of special rules.

For instance, a separate class is prescribed for each automobile included in class 10.1. Moreover, upon disposition of such automobile, there can be no recapture or terminal loss, but an amount equivalent to half of the "normal" CCA for the year of disposition can be claimed if the automobile was included in class 10.1 at the end of the previous year.

Note that a separate class is also prescribed for each rental property costing $50,000 or more.

For Québec purposes only: you may use class 10/12 for property that is included in class 10 (with the half-year rule) for federal purposes and included in class 12 (without the half-year rule) for Québec purposes.

If there is a terminal Loss

If there are no more property in a class, but there is still a remaining UCC balance, enter "Y" (yes) in the appropriate box to indicate a terminal loss. The terminal loss is automatically deducted from income.