CCH iFirm Tax Forms 2019 v.5.0 (2020.20.28.02)

Profile - Accounting firm staff

This section allows you to create a list of staff members that will be accessible in the “Internal information for the preparer” section of Form ID, Client Identification and Other Information (Jump Code: ID). To link a staff member to a specific list, select the appropriate role (Partner, Preparer or Reviewer) for each staff member’s name. You can select more than one role for a specific person. Note that if no role is selected, the name of the staff member will still appear in the list of the “Assigned to” field of Form ID, Client Identification and Other Information.

Use the list of the accounting firm staff for the selection in Form Client Identification and Other Information.

This option allows you to select or clear the list of staff members. Clearing this box allows you to go back to the normal functioning of the “Internal information for preparers” section of Form ID, Client Identification and Other Information (i.e. the staff member names are entered in each file rather than being selected from a list). Note that if this box is cleared, the “Identification number” field will no longer display in the “Internal information for preparers” section of Form ID, Client Identification and Other Information.

Allow customizing the list using Form Client Identification and Other Information.

This option has been developed to allow users to customize the list separately in each client file. The user can therefore use a name in a specific file that is not in the master list. However, this option does not allow you to modify the master list in the preparer profile, as this list can only be modified when you are in the preparer profile. If this box is cleared, only the staff members listed in the preparer profile will be available in the client files.

Note: These options are selected by default when converting or creating a profile.