Add and manage news

Intranet - Add and Edit News Items

When you post a news article, it is accessible from the default News category on the Intranet menu. The three most recent posts also display on the Intranet home page.

Add a news article

  1. Click Intranet.
  2. Click News on the Firm menu.
  3. Click Add News Article.
  4. Enter a title for your news article.
  5. Compose and edit your article. Use the HTML editor buttons to style the article.
  6. Click Save.

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Edit or delete news article

To edit or delete a news post:

  1. Click Intranet on the Firm menu.
  2. Click News on the Intranet menu.
  3. Click the title of the post you wish to edit.
  4. Click Edit Post.
  5. Edit the article and click Save.
  6. Click Delete at the bottom to delete the article.
Note: If you have the Intranet - Add and Edit Content security role, you can edit or delete a news article that another team member has posted.

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Edit news feed settings

  1. Click Content Manager > Add Content.
  2. Select your content option - Blank Page, Two Columns, Procedures or Content List.
  3. Click the news feed icon. The News settings box will automatically pop up.
  4. Change the settings of the news feeds, as required.
    • Title - This is the name in the grey header bar of the news feed. The default is Recent News but you can change it.
    • Layout - This is the layout of the news articles. However, the only option at the moment is Title and Intro Text. Further options will be added in a coming release.
    • No. of Articles - This is the number of news articles displayed. The default is 5 articles but you can choose from 1 to 10.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Double-click an existing news feed object if you want access the News settings box again.

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