Drilling Down to Trial Balance Accounts in a TB Link

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You can drill down to the accounts that make up the dollar amounts calculated in a TB link formula in Microsoft®Excel®and Microsoft®Word workpapers. Use this process if you need to review the formula to ensure the correct accounts were summed together.

To drill down to the accounts from a linked formula, do the following:

  1. Open the Excel® or Word workpaper you want to use.
    1. Cliquez sur la mission dans la page Liste de missions.

      Remarque : Consultez la rubrique Utiliser la page Liste de missions pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur l'utilisation des fonctions de pagination et de recherche pour trouver une mission dans la liste.

    2. Locate the workpaper on the Engagement View page.

      Tip: You might need to expand the node or folder that holds the item you need.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • In Excel®, click the cell containing the linked formula.
    • In Word, highlight the linked formula.
  3. Click Drill Down TB Link on the Axcess Engagement ribbon. The TB Link Drill Down window displays.
    • The top section of the window displays the TB Link formula parameters.
    • The bottom section of the window displays the accounts used in the formula. If the TB link is made up of more than one formula, this section shows a subtotal for each formula and a total of the amounts.

    Important: If you have CCH iFirm Engagement installed on your computer, you may also see an Engagement ribbon. Be sure to click the button on the Axcess Engagement ribbon.

    Note: The Total amount displays values from the TB Link formulas only. Any operators you entered manually when creating the formula are not calculated.