Downloading a Workpaper

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Downloaded workpapers are saved to the Downloads folder on your local drive, or to another folder defined by your browser and browser settings.

  1. Cliquez sur la mission dans la page Liste de missions.

    Remarque : Consultez la rubrique Utiliser la page Liste de missions pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur l'utilisation des fonctions de pagination et de recherche pour trouver une mission dans la liste.

  2. Locate the workpaper on the Engagement View page.

    Tip: You might need to expand the node or folder that holds the item you need.

  3. Do either of the following.

    Note: If you have installed Workpaper Monitor and click the name of a Microsoft® Excel® or Microsoft® Word file, the workpaper will open instead of being downloaded. Workpaper Monitor cannot be used with consolidated engagements at this time.

    • Click the workpaper name.
    • For a workpaper that is not a Microsoft® Excel® or Microsoft® Word file, click the workpaper name. You can also use this method for workpapers in consolidated engagements.
    • Click in the Actions column for the workpaper, and then select Download.

Note: For Pro engagements, if you open a workpaper after the document completion date has passed but before the engagement has been locked then you will be notified that all changes must be documented.