Resource Allocation Report

Workflow and Resource Manager

You can use this report to quickly and easily see how staff members who have been allocated jobs are progressing in their work according to the target hours allocated. The report shows the number of jobs between the Allocated and Finalising stages for each user, the total hours allocated to a user, how many hours they have worked so far on each job, and the number of hours remaining to complete all their jobs. This report helps you quickly determine whether you need to allocate more work to a staff member or remove work from a staff member who is overloaded.

Click a user name in the report to open the Resource Allocation Breakdown Report. You can then click a Job ID to open the Job Details page.

You can sort the data in the report by % Remaining, User, Open Jobs, Total Hours Allocated, Total Hours Worked or Total Hours Remaining. If you have set up custom groups and filters for your firm, you can also filter the report by job-related firm groups, for example, by Job Location and Job Division. The header of the report reflects any filter selections you make. Click here to learn more about using reports.