Managing Workpaper Properties

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You can manage the following properties for each workpaper:

  • Index. A workpaper's index is a unique identifier to help you organize and reference your workpapers.
  • Name. If needed, you can rename a workpaper.

    Note: The combination of the workpaper index and name must be unique across all workpapers in Engagement View.

  • Tags. You can assign tags to workpapers to associate them with the relevant leadsheets or tax areas. Tags are not visible on the Engagement View, but can be added from there after a workpaper is uploaded. Tags are not available for consolidated engagements at this time.
  • Roll forward setting. You can specify if a workpaper should be included or excluded when the engagement is rolled forward. The roll forward setting is not available for consolidated engagements at this time.

When you update the name or index, your changes are reflected immediately in the Engagement View for all users.

Note: You can view, but not change, a workpaper's properties if the file is currently in use. When a file is in use, the icon displays in the Status column on the Engagement View. The active user column displays the user name of the person working in the file. The Status column updates automatically as users access and close a file. Active user information is not available for consolidated engagements at this time.

Do the following to open the workpaper properties pane:

  1. Cliquez sur la mission dans la page Liste de missions.

    Remarque : Consultez la rubrique Utiliser la page Liste de missions pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur l'utilisation des fonctions de pagination et de recherche pour trouver une mission dans la liste.

  2. Locate the workpaper on the Engagement View page.

    Tip: You might need to expand the node or folder that holds the item you need.

  3. Click in the Actions column for the workpaper, and then select Properties.

See the topics linked to above for more detail about each of the workpaper properties.