Manage missing time
- Timesheets - View, Add and Edit My Timesheet (to access the Timesheets area, and to view, add and edit your own timesheet entries);
- Timesheets - View, Add and Edit All Timesheets (to view, add and edit timesheet entries for all staff members)
An information panel on the Daily tab of the My Timesheet page displays the hours or units that are still missing for that day. It displays on days where the user has standard hours allocated and the hours yet to be completed is greater than zero. If there is any missing time you need to add or edit a timesheet entry to resolve this.
Note: If missing timesheets are displaying for someone who is not on leave but is not expected to be working, for example a contractor who does not work for a month or an employee who is on extended maternity leave, you need to adjust that person's standard hours in his or her user account. This ensures that he or she does not show up in the timesheets for that period.
Missing time (where timesheet entry method is actual time)
Missing units (where timesheet entry method is units)