Set up time in lieu

  1. Activate negative timesheets - contact our support team to request this activation. They will inform you when the activation is complete.
  2. Ensure that you have set up your standard hours.

  1. Ensure that your timesheet entry method is set to units.

  1. Enter your opening time in lieu balances, if applicable:
    • Example: you owe hours, so your opening time in lieu balance is a debit. Therefore, select a positive unit.

      If the opening balance exceeds 24 hours, you will have to enter timesheets for a number of days.

    • Example, you have accrued hours in lieu, so your opening balance is a credit. Therefore, select a negative unit.

      If the opening balance exceeds 24 hours, you will have to enter timesheets for a number of days.

  1. Click Jobs & Billing > My Timesheet or My Timesheet in the top menu.
  2. Click the Calendar icon and select a date prior to your activation date - this will ensure that the timesheets do not show up in reports moving forward.
  3. Select Non-billable / Paid Non-billable as the Entry Type.
  4. Select the quantity of your opening time in lieu balance units - it may be positive or negative.
  5. In the Activity Code box, select LIE- Time in lieu .
  6. Type a Comment, such as Opening time in lieu balance.
  7. Click Save.

Tip: Read the Add a timesheet entry page for more information and examples, and use the Paid Non-billable Time Report to monitor your time in lieu balance.

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